Philosophical Phursday – 5 things I Lurve vs 5 Things I Abhor

There really is no point in complaining I find, I mean thats the whole point of living abroad right? Pushing you out of your comfort zone to see how long you can fake a smile in the midst of discomfort? Complaining is just so much fun though 🙂

But similarly, there is no point in faking it all the time either. If we take a nod from Buddha, all life is suffering. So embrace the suffering. Live the suffering. In that vein, here are the top 5 things I absolutely adore about my new home Korea, and the top 5 things that I am like kthanksbyeeeeee.

The List o Lurve

1. (Working) Infrastructure

While it may take the above vigilante attitude, busses and trains are generally on time. No stolen copper wires here folks, if its happening its happening. WiFi everywhere, information systems, stations to charge your phone, things just work here.

2. Commitment

People here are comitted hey. Do things right, or don’t do it at all I feel is a national slogan. When I ask my co-teacher for advice, she often times come back having taken care of the issue (without me asking her to) and some written notes on what to do in future. While I know this is not the case with everyone, the fact that there is always something happening in every city, there are people in offices, in gymnasiums, in schools, in libraries, and in bars at almost all times of the day is somewhat inspiring.

3. Attention

It’s not everyday that photos are greeted with “WOW!” or “Handsome” is a standard greeting. Or is it? If I have said it once I will say it a million more times, feeling like a pseudo celebrity is kind of glamorous. Everywhere you go people stare, say hello, want to take photos and want to get to know you. On the outside you are, “Who meee?”, on the inside you are, “YES!”.

4. No Crime

People bring your things back if you lose them. While I am sure there is some crime out there, wallets are returned full and I wouldn’t be surprised if smartphones are returned charged.

5. The Language 한극어

While I feel like this mostly, I am working hard to learn the lingo. Which is in itself a great way to examine the Korean psyche: the alphabet is scientifically designed so form follows function, it is also simple yet aesthetically pleasing and lastly allows for respect to be signified depending on who you speak to. So effective, beautiful and respectful = a nice way to describe modern Korean culture in my humble opinion.

The List de Deteste

1. Coffee

If it’s not from Starbucks, Ediya, Angel-in-us or one of the many cafes, this is how I generally feel about it.

Americano mergh

2. Those damn mobile grocery stores and their announcements

It seems as if every time I put down my head to take a nap or sleep, the world comes to an end. On the most outdated speakers, blaring from a time before treble, these huge ass trucks laden with some trivial fruit or vegetable comes raging through the streets as if its the last time there will ever be oranges or onions. I can deal with shamelessly plugging your business, but does it really need to come on a truck that makes just as much noise?

3. Attention

To quote from above, “Everywhere you go people stare, say hello, want to take photos and want to get to know you.” On the outside you are everything a well brought up gurl should be, on the inside you are screaming. It’s a love/hate thing.

4. Not being able to shop with confidence.

Well I can read the words, that doesn’t mean i know what they mean. I already loath grocery shopping, now its like its all in 한글. Because the food culture is different here, I also have no idea whats most things are. The answer? Get educated. But sometimes I just want a sandwhich from Woolies, not endure trying to transliterate a simple name. Also the attendants aren’t much help (usually, some are awesome) because they flee out of fear of speaking English.

5. It’s a thing to not flush toilet paper – otherwise the drains might clog.

So you have a bin full of dirty rags that you need to take out with your trash like a haunting of your digestive history. I HATE IT.

For more cool gifs that summarize the Korean Teacher’s Experience check out, KiKinitinKorea, it made me giggle 🙂

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